Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday Not So Blue Again~!

I thought I will be dying because of the anonymous pressure I had on Monday in work place...
but somehow because my manager was in today, I got mountain to rely on and I'm super energetic already~
see~ how much I love my manager~ she is such a lovely lady who always be there to protect her "kids"
Mr. Wolfie just came back from U.S yesterday
... kesian he is a size smaller now because he didn't enjoyed the food there~
and kesian his luggage still in HK while he arrives KL yesterday...
DAMN Cathay~ put my souvenirs in DANGER~!!!
lagi lagi my clever little wolfie know how to pre-showing me my souvinirs with PACKAGES ON *so clever* through pictures he caught inside the camera~! Damn tempting~!!
I smell something JUICY...hiak hiak hiak hiak hiak.....
can you guess what is my pressie?

1 comment:

Chin Lay said...

Juicy couture bag lor~~~yerr, so xinfuuuu larr you, why joel dunno buy me this kind of things one....haihya