Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bride Wanna Be

[[Your result is: You Will Be an Unconventional Bride!]]
You're probably the type of girl who never considered getting married
until you met *him*
You're not a big fan of white dresses, church weddings, or cheesy DJ's
That's okay - you'll do it your way... whether that means a Vegas wedding or guys as bridesmen
While you may not toss the bouquet (or have anyone to toss it to), it will still be the most romantic day of your life!
This is what I get when I'm takin' a test on "What Kind of Bride Will You Be?" on Facebook
Is true in a sense that I'm not really fancy a very traditional type of wedding
er...not to say that I don't obey those traditional "wedding taboo", especially I'm born and bred as a typical Malaysian Chinese...
I'm talkin' about weddings with bridesmen??!!
yes...this is a damn good idea wei~~
Not only I can ask JIMUI to back me up on my big day
but I can also ask my HENG DAI to actually be my bridesmen larr~
I always dream of having a garden or beach wedding~
simple and nice with family members and friends...
Despite of havin' a grand grand dinner just to show off how expensive the wedding is
maybe some euro style buffets will be just fine for a great hang out with friends and family~
Because at the end of the day~
is just MY marriage~

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Elder Bastidas said...
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