Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lucky Mushroom~

Here is the photo you wanna see~ hahaha...
My "Very- Mushroom-ish" look...
I received quite a lot of comments regarding to this new haircut of mine
some people thought that it looks like the Hong Kong Comedian - 八兩金
some thought that my hair looks weird...
and some "nice" people thought that my hair looks FAB~ wuahahahaha....
I just came back from Code's retro annual dinner
I won the 1st runner up for costume and bring home a bottle of red wine + a fancy vase
gee.... I'm so lucky~
Last time I won a grand price in PSS's annual party (a Gintel Massage Chair)
this time I get myself a 1st runner up for costume~ *lol*
I'm so happy now.... *wink*

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