Friday, January 25, 2008

Damn Sleepy...

arrr.... if there is an energy bar to show how tired I am...
100% guarantee that my energy bar is pweeetty empty...
Although my eyes are open...
but, eventually my brain was not functioning at all...
I woke up 5 a.m this morning
get myself ready with make ups before I went for venue rehearsal at Berjaya Time Square
Luckily, I managed to keep my mind awake during showtime
or else the audience will be seeing a sleepy lookin' cheerleader dancin' like a zombie on stage~
yes ahhh...
today is my 1st time doin' cheerleading in a danceshow
because the event itself was related to some Olympic stuff geh...
I get to dress myself like a very energertic KAWAII cheerleader
but I didn't get the chance to snap a photo of myself today...
After performing, I had to go back to the studio for rehearsal...
ha! that's when my brain started to complaint and somehow manage to shut down itself before the rehearsal starts...
While waitin' for the arrival of other dancers...
I slept like a pig in the studio~ *lol*
and now...I'm havin' my eyelids half open while posting this entry
hahaha... somehow I still find some extra energy to sign up as a member of Nuffnang just a few minutes ago~
I really need to "cabut" now~
before I fall asleep in front of my laptop...
bye~~ *zzZzzz*

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